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Technology is currently the bedrock that brings digital transformation to eating experiences. AI has helped in the tracking, analysis, and prediction of the entire food ecosystem from sourcing, and preparation, to consumption. Hungerbox, a full-stack B2B food, and beverage tech company offering food solutions to corporate entities in Bengaluru India, uses AI to solve the problems that key stakeholders in the food and beverage segment face.

Recently, the company launched a HungerBox ‘COVID-19 Safe’ solution that ensures COVID-19 safety in cafeterias by using  AI and ML platforms to regulate the flow of users into cafeterias , ensuring that users only visit when it is safe to do so. The solution uses approaches that envelop aspects like technology, communication, and user connect, supervisor training, and enhanced operation protocols with technology led monitoring systems that encompass a 360-degree view of the operations in the cafeteria.

Restaurant robotics is also another AI technology that the food industry has adopted. Miso Robotics is a startup that is based in California which focuses on offering AI-driven robotics solutions for the kitchen environment. ‘Flippy’, the company’s AI kitchen assistant can assist with frying, grilling prepping, and plating. It has software integrated with cameras and sensors that helps it see and monitor important aspects like temperature control. Cali Group of CaliBurger partnered with Misco Robotics to introduce flippy burger-flipping capabilities in its restaurants.

The food technology industry is being reformed by the use of AI and it will grow further in the coming years. By using AI, food production companies are in a position to increase their profits, by accelerating the manufacturing process, minimizing maintenance time and production downtimes. They also do that, by reducing the risks of failure by automating almost every operation and ultimately ensuring outstanding customer service by anticipating their preferences, dislikes and wishes. This is the time for food companies to start exploring how AI can benefit their businesses not only to be profitable, but to stay on top of the competition, as well.

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